Lägenhet till salu i La Duquesa

Property ID: R4694959


2,451 €/m2


On offer a beautiful 2 bedroom 2 bathroom middle floor apartment at a gated urbanization, located at La Duquesa.

The property has a big east facing terrace with very good views to the sea and to the mountains.

The Urbanization consists of 169 apartments, with lush mature gardens and 3 community swimming pools.

The LPO is not in place as of today,
LPO has been applied form the Town Hall end of October 2024.
We expect LPO to be in place within a few months

The lack of LPO is reflected on the very atractive price for the property.
Electricity and water connections are in place, so the property is ready to move in.

Price will increase once the final LPO has been approved.

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