4,673 €/m2
Our place for business is an exceptional opportunity with its spacious layout and breathtaking panoramic sea views. With 321 square meters of interior space and an impressive 600 square meter terrace, this location offers ample room for various business activities. The highlight of this space is undoubtedly the panoramic sea views. The stunning vistas create a serene and captivating atmosphere, providing an ideal backdrop for any business. Customers and clients will be able to enjoy the beauty of the sea while engaging with your products or services. The combination of a spacious interior, panoramic sea views, and dedicated parking facilities makes this place an ideal setting for various businesses. Whether you are planning to open a restaurant, a boutique, or a coworking space, this location offers the perfect canvas for your vision to come to life. With its stunning views and practical amenities, this place is sure to attract attention and create a memorable impression on your clientele.
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