199,999 €/m2
For sale Gaucin Rustic plot that can be delveloped under new Andalucia Land Law\n\nDon't miss out on this exceptional opportunity to acquire two picturesque plots of land nestled just beyond the coveted village of Gaucin, in the stunning Serranía de Ronda region. \n\nFirstly, we present a sprawling 67,000m2 parcel, boasting a captivating westward orientation toward Cortes de la Frontera. Positioned in accordance with the latest Andalucia land regulations, this land presents a myriad of possibilities. Whether you are contemplating the development of a boutique hotel or tourism venture, this plot offers a canvas primed for realization. Equipped with a well, it awaits the implementation of electricity or solar panels, making it an ideal prospect for those seeking an off-grid lifestyle. Envision a sanctuary for retreats, glamping experiences, or permaculture endeavors amidst this natural haven. This land is classfied as forestal - the Gaucin townhall has confirmed they will permit development of any tourist style building - not residential .\n\nAdjacent to this expansive expanse lies a charming 16,000m2 counterpart, conveniently situated across the A373 Gaucin-Ronda Road. While not designated for development, this parcel serves as the perfect complement to its larger counterpart. Earmarked for agricultural utilization, its potential is limited only by imagination.\n\nThe combined offering of these two plots presents an unrivaled opportunity for discerning investors, with a combined area totaling 83,000m2. Priced attractively at 150,00 per square meter, seize the chance to manifest your vision amidst the tranquility of Gaucin's outskirts.\n\n<strong><a href="../../../area/gaucin">Discover more about Gaucin</a></strong
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