Fristående villa till salu i Sotogrande

Property ID: R4766122


4,032 €/m2


1.009,10 m2 the surface of the house is distributed in three floors that go down the plot of 2.209,00 m2.
6 BEDROOMS. All bedrooms have a dressing area and a study. They have direct lighting and ventilation.
OUTDOOR POOL The pool is 12m long and 5m wide, which facilitates its uses as a sport element.
WALK-IN WATER MIRROR The presence of a water mirror adjoining to the pool generates a feeling of freshness and brings light to the house.
WELLNESS AREA The house count with SPA, gym, sauna to ensure the well-being and facilitate a healthy life.
HEATED SWIMMING POOL In the basement there is a heated swimming pool that is illuminated with LED lighting.
CIRCADIAN LIGHTING Ciradian lighting consists of the automatic regulation of the light tone to suit human needs.
CONTACT WITH NATURE The villa is located in the most privileged environment completely surrounded by nature, without leaving all the comforts of cosmopolitan life.
VIEWS TO REAL CLUB VALDERRAMA The villa has views of the Real Club de Valderrama from all first-floor bedrooms.
SECURITY The urbanization has its own security service.
ELEVATOR The villa has a fully customized elevator connecting the basement, the ground floor and the first floor.

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