2,537 €/m2

This charming 2-star hotel is located in the quiet neighbourhood of Benicolada in Calpe. Both the city centre and Calpe beach can be reached in just over 5 minutes. 1 km away is a shopping centre with several big supermarkets . There are beautiful views of the Peñon de Ifach and Sierra de Olta, besides, from the top floor you can enjoy sea views. On the ground floor we find a reception area, a lounge for breakfast and three renovated double bedrooms, each with an en suite bathroom. One bedroom has an adjoining additional bedroom for children. Behind the reception is a house with a lounge, a kitchen, two double bedrooms and two bathrooms. Ideal for owners to combine business and private. Upstairs are six more double bedrooms, each with an en suite bathroom and all renovated. One bedroom also has a large private balcony overlooking the sea and the Calpe skyline. All bedrooms have air conditioning, TV, wifi and alarm system. Outside, there is another swimming pool with lounging area and a terrace.
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