If you are looking for a large piece of land with entirely stunning sea views, then come and visit this plot on top of the hill above Elviria.
THIS IS A PLOT THAT IS RUSTIC with a designation ENCINAR (OAK FOREST) and located on a cattle track...PECUNARIO
On the country road leading along the crest of the hills above Elviria, these plots are very unique as they offer south-facing orientation and views to the coast of Marbella East.
The most beautiful plot located on the southern facing slope of la Mairena.
This land is forestal and rustic and is only buildable according to the LEY DE LA LISTA
This means that it can support a private independent family home of 1% of the size of the land only as a "vinculada" where the house includes buildings destined for the keeping of animals and other activities that promote the well-being of the rural land.
Utsikt landskap
Panorama utsikt
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