2,000 €/m2
This bright, airy, and bespoke 2-bedroom home is a peaceful retreat nestled in a charming rustic countryside community. Full of character and quirks, this traditional dwelling offers a spacious lounge with a sturdy wooden staircase leading to a storage area in the eaves and a hatch opening to a private roof terrace. The master bedroom comes with air conditioning, and the tiled bathroom includes a shower.
The property boasts a charming gated and covered porch with a built-in BBQ, perfect for relaxing and entertaining. Private parking is available to the side, with easy access via a mainly tarmac country road. With a tourist license in place this home is ideal for a starter home, weekend getaway, or rental investment. Surrounded by nature, it's a paradise for nature lovers and the perfect base to explore the beautiful local area.
Not Mortgageable
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