11,050 €/m2
Imagine the home of your dreams in Calpe! This spacious 2-bedroom apartment, located on the Levante beach, is a unique opportunity for those looking for a personal project. With 181 m² of useful space, you will have all the space you need to create a cozy atmosphere to your liking.
Located on the sixth floor, you will enjoy breathtaking views of the sea that will take your breath away. With 2 bathrooms, a bright living room and a kitchen ready to be transformed, this apartment is the perfect canvas for your creativity. Although it needs renovation, the potential is huge and you will be able to design every corner in your own way.
Built in 1989, this place has a history waiting to be renewed. Don't miss the opportunity to turn this apartment into the home you've always wanted! Come visit it and start imagining all the possibilities it offers you. Your new beginning is waiting for you!
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