Interesting residencial plots (6 of 700m2) which can be purchased seperate or as a pack. The plots have the building license in place. The plots are in Alqueria, on walking distance (350 meters) to two restaurants and a school. Distance to golf course only 5 minutes by car. Buildable surface is 35%. The plots are on a small community of 8, with 2 houses already build (those are not for sale), and 3 villas that need to be finished, main construction done in 2012.
Plot price € 160,000 (the plots without the unfinished buildings)
There are also three unfinished buildings for sale. Two-level villa: € 310,000 / 2 x One level villa: € 270,000
The displayed prices INCLUDE the installation of the infrastructure (water, electricity, and sewage) of € 35,000 per house/plot.
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