296 €/m2
Business Type: Bar / Restaurant (TRASPASO / LEASEHOLD)\n
This Fantastic Bar & Restaurant in Ciudad Quesada is located in a well known area of this bustling town, just a few minutes stride from the High Street, with plenty of parking and passing trade, close to other busy bars, restaurants and businesses. Situated on the first floor accessed via stairs or private lift. Comprising inside of some 270m2 Build, benefiting from a modern and sleek fully fitted bar, with approximately 34 cover space here and direct access out to the terrace; storeroom behind the bar; leading through to the main dining area with an additional 50+ covers; a large refrigerated display (buffet style); a stylish open plan kitchen, completely kitted out with high quality commercial kitchen equipment, large pass, storeroom, fridge area with walk in fridge too, rear exit with small chefs/staffs courtyard, dishwashing area and a unique selling point is the skewer cooker; three toilets, one for female, male and disabled; a waiters station; also from the hallway to the toilets is another access out to the extremely spacious terrace of a further 350m2, benefiting from 16 covers on the chillout sofa's, a further 12 aprox on high tables, and 70+ across the main terrace dining, all looking out over the panoramic surrounding area + mountain + country + sunset views! With lots of residents in town, plus many holiday makers throughout the summer, this is a great opportunity… The rent for such a unit is €2.300. What an opportunity, call now for a viewing!!! \n
Price: €79.950   \n
Location: Ciudad Quesada - Costa Blanca South<br /
Climate control
Privat terrass
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