4,267 €/m2
Located five minutes from the picturesque village of Ojen, and only a 20 minute drive from Marbella into the heart of the Andalucian countryside. If you are looking for a quiet countryside retreat then this property has it all.
The main residence features on the ground floor an open plan layout with double height ceilings, a cosy fireplace and fully fitted kitchen with modern appliances and dining room area and a guest bathroom. On the first floor, four ensuite bedrooms all with outstanding views. Outside you have a lovely covered terrace, a large pool, and an immaculate garden framed with mature trees. Beyond the garden lies a separate studio built into the mountainside showcasing natural rock walls and adjacent a BBQ pit. Add to this the extensive plot, a chicken coop, stables, fruit trees galore and a perfect allotment area with scope to grow your vegetables. All the space needed to live an authentic country life but only a five-minute drive to amenities.
Eget badrum
Privat trädgård
Täckt parkering
Privat pool
Utsikt landskap
Panorama utsikt
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