2,424 €/m2
Bright apartment with views of the Cala de Finestrat mountainThis charming one bedroom, one bathroom apartment offers stunning mountain views, creating a calm and serene environment. With new furniture and modern appliances, the interior space combines style and functionality to provide you with a contemporary and comfortable home.The property includes a parking space, providing convenience and security for your vehicle. In addition, it has a separate and closed storage room, offering additional space for storage and organization.The location of this apartment is exceptional, just 800 meters from the beautiful beach of La Cala de Finestrat. With easy access to bus stops, the property facilitates mobility and connection to surrounding areas. Additionally, it is located in proximity to various stores, such as Consum, Aldi, and more, adding convenience to your daily life.In short, this apartment not only offers modern design and stunning mountain views, but also provides a convenient location with close access to the beach, public transport and shopping, making it an attractive option for those seeking comfort and style of living. coastal life.
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