This is an opportunity to acquire a plot of land in Bedar, which has obtained a building licence, which is still applicable, from the Ayuntamiento.
In place is a build project, which we understand has been agreed with the local Ayuntamiento.
The architect who drew up the plans, remains onboard with the project.
Water and Electric are not connected at this stage, but this will be possible moving forward. 
Bedar is a mountain village, but does still enjoy many amenities and is within a short drive to the local town of Los Gallardos, where you have a good range of further amenities and a variety of shops etc.
The local beaches of Mojacar are 20 minutes away.
If you want to enjoy wonderful mountain and distant sea views, then this could be the place for you!
Contact us for further information.
* Plot Size 1,84 hectares
* 20 minutes drive to the beach
* 10 minutes drive to the shops
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