2,167 €/m2
A great project opportunity. This could make a fabulous three-bed south-facing bungalow set on its own small plot with a private pool.
It is a project in need of a complete renovation. Not for the faint hearted. The villa has a lovely outside space and covered terrace that would make the most perfect kitchen and BBQ area. Just imagine relaxing out here and enjoying a dip in your own private pool.
This villa represents a fabulous opportunity. While in need of someone with vision and ideas its position and setting are priceless.
There are three bedrooms and two bathrooms, of which one is the ensuite. The lounge/dining area has an open fireplace, perfect for winter nights. The house has a private garage.
The property is only a five minute drive away from Sotogrande with its fabulous Marina with its many bars and restaurants. It is also only a 10 minute drive form La Duquesa and 20 minutes from the bustling Estepona. Fabulously located between two main airports - Gibraltar airport only 20 minutes away and Malaga airport only one hour away.
A fabulous opportunity to make this into a lovely home.
Come view with me!
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Privat pool
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Panorama utsikt
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