Bar till salu i Calpe

Property ID: R4969270




This spacious commercial premises offer an excellent opportunity to start your own bar or any other hospitality business. It features a large main hall, a long bar ideal for comfortably serving customers, and two separate restrooms for men and women.

Additionally, it has a covered terrace, perfect for taking advantage of the area's great weather and creating a cozy atmosphere for customers.

Located in a prime area, surrounded by other shops and restaurants. Its proximity to Arenal-Bol beach makes it a strategic point with great potential.

<strong>Call us for a visit or more information.
We work to find the house of your dreams.
We will show you this property if you are interested, or we will search for you until we find what you are looking for.
Then, we will take care of all the necessary paperwork until the keys are handed over!</strong>[IW]

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