4,284 €/m2
A quality apartment constructed in 2020 and only 150 metres to the beautiful, blue flag beaches of Mil Palmeras.
The property has a spacious roof solarium of 66m2 with retractable sun awnings, from where there are sea views.
A balcony terrace adjoining the lounge has views over the 2 community swimming pools.
The lounge has a fully fitted open kitchen with all appliances and a quality brand dinning table and sofa.
The two bedrooms both have fitted wardrobes, one with an en suite bathroom and there is also a guest bathroom.
Throughout the apartment is hot and cold air conditioning and the property will be sold fully furnished. The complex has a large central pool area, childrens' play area and, exercise machines and gardens. It is located close to all amenities in Mil Palmeras where there are a variety of bars, restaurants, supermarkets, pharmacy etc. A five minute drive away is the access to the AP-7 motorway.
Inbyggda garderober
Gemensam pool
Nära till affärer
Nära till havet
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