Fristående villa till salu i Orba

Property ID: R4987510


1,649 €/m2


We are pleased to bring you this 3 bedroom one level villa, set in a quiet position close to the popular town of Orba and offering fantastic views across the valley to the surrounding mountains and also to the sea.The villa is accessed by a sloping driveway with a gate that opens to parking for several cars as well as a single car garage. You then enter the property into what is used by the current owners as a dining room with a fully fitted modern kitchen to the left with the large, bright living room straight ahead and down a couple of steps. Directly ahead is a large glazed in naya that offers incredible views over Orba, the Orba Valley and the surrounding areas. To one side of the naya is a sectioned area offering a small bedroom area. To the other side, glazed doors take you to the open pool terrace and the infinity style pool which again offer incredible views. To one side of the pool is a covered dining terrace and off this terrace is a huge room that currently has a second kitchen area, but offers a wide range of possibilities.Back in the living room, a short hallway takes you past a second bedroom, a guest bathroom, a further toilet room and then on to the huge master suite with built in wardrobes, glazed door access to the terrace by the front door, and also a huge ensuite bathroom. There is also access from here to the large space access by the covered dining terrace and there is also external access to a terrace.The gardens are mature with plenty of trees, oh and did I mention the views?


Climate control

  • Luftkonditionering
  • Centralvärme
  • fireplace
    Öppen spis


  • dresser-wardrobe
    Inbyggda garderober
  • dresser-drawers-5
  • Dubbelglas


  • Garage


  • Nära skolor

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