Cortijo Elita Is Situated In The Middle Of Its Own 6000sq.M Olive Grove With Uninterrupted Valley... More Info
Cortijo Elita is situated in the middle of its own 6000sq.m olive grove with uninterrupted valley views. A mature grape vine leads you into the 'patio andalus' (enclosed courtyard) where you can sit and enjoy your meals contemplating the day. Traditionally restored, yet retaining many of its original features, your Cortijo offers a large separate farmhouse kitchen with open fire, 4 double bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, 2 living rooms 1 with a balcony offering stunning views over looking the courtyard, utility room with shower and toilet. During your holiday you could swim in the private pool, sunbathe, paint or walk. Perhaps you will visit the historical sites in the region. Cordoba, Malaga, Granada, Seville and the international ski resort at Sierra Nevada are all within easy driving distance. If you care to stay closer then the lake of Andalucia is a 10 minute drive where you can do a spot of fishing or hire canoes and pedalos and take in the spectacular scenery.
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