Can happily present this well maintained home of 106 sqm. The property is on two levels. On the ground floor you find a kitchen, dining room / living room with spacious seating area, storage room, 1 bathroom and 1 bedroom. On the second floor you have a large bedroom with a private bathroom. You have direct access to terraces on both sides of the property. The house has central heating and air-con. There is installed fiber internet and the possibility of connecting to gas in the street. The property also has a large basement for storage with its own entrance from the garden. There is a room for washing machine and storage outside.
Outdoor area
The plot is 110 sqm and has a garden on both sides of the house for seating areas. Possibility to park inside on your own plot and direct access to the communal pool. You have access to the kitchen / dining room from the parking lot and direct access to the pool area via a glazed terrace from the living room.
Climate control
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Privat parkering
Gemensam pool
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