Well maintained and cozy family home in a local and quiet neighborhood located in Benferri. The home has private parking, as well as a nice outdoor area with a good opportunity to make a pool. The home offers a good opportunity to enjoy the sun while enjoying the view of the mountains, as the home is south / west facing.
The home consists, in addition to the large basement / garage, of 106 m2 on two levels: ground floor with fully equipped kitchen, spacious living room and a bathroom. The first floor consists of two bright and spacious bedrooms with fitted wardrobes, from which you have access to each terrace / balcony.
The basement / garage is large and spacious. It has a great opportunity to be used as an extra living room, several rooms with the possibility of a bathroom, bar, or storage room. Installations have been prepared and the basement is currently being used as a garage laundry room. A new electric door to the garage has recently been installed.
The home is sold furnished, except for personal items.
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Fullt möblerad
Privat parkering
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