An elegant country property in Spain set in a plot of app 818m2 in a most sought after area on the edge of the pretty village of Cómpeta. Superb views to the Mediterranean with the impressive Sierras forming a stunning backdrop. 8x4 pool, garage and separate guest apartment. The main house has a magnificent open plan living area with an independent fully fitted kitchen, a charming sitting room, a master bedroom with ensuite facilities, a double and a single bedroom with interconnecting shower room, a twin bedroom and a separate guest wc. The apartment has an open plan living area with kitchen, a double bedroom and a shower room and a private terrace.
Hot water is provided by solar with backup system. Spacious balustrade terraces at the side and the front of the house give even more space for sunbathing or relaxing and the location of the pool is perfect, at the rear of the property with complete privacy is a perfect chill out zone. The property has got sat tv, wifi connection, gas central heating and air conditioning.
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Privat pool
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