Very well kept apartment situated in the heart of Mijas Golf now for sale.
This 124 m2 corner apartment consists of 3 bedroom and 2 bathrooms with a great size living room and terrace! From the living room and master bedroom you will find double doors to access the sunny terrace, where part of it is covered and open, so you get the choice to sit in the sun or shade.
The apartment comes with an underground parking space and is sold fully furnished.
From the 30 m2 terrace you can enjoy the lovely view of the golf course and mountains. You will get the sun all afternoon and evening from here.
In the complex you will find nicely kept gardens and 1 swimming pool, which is heated in the winter time, so this can be used all year around.
Climate control
Inbyggda garderober
Fullt möblerad
Gated Complex
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