Luxury 2 bedroom apartment now for sale in 1st phase, which will be completed within 1 year. The complex is made up of small, intimate buildings that combine privacy with a perfect orientation and blend harmoniously into the beautiful surroundings. The apartment is open plan, spacious and designed to restore the experience of living in a villa.
We achieve this by our unconventional approach where we move the sleeping area to the mountainside of the property and thus allowing for a third more living space, which combined with the oversized terraces effectively doubles the living area. This easy interaction between the living spaces creates a flexible, open area that is designed around the climate and lifestyle of southern Spain.
From the large open kitchen and living room there are sliding doors all the way to the south-facing terrace of 25m2, where there is a beautiful sea view over the Mediterranean. All patio doors are from floor to ceiling, so when you open them up the whole kitchen and living room area will blend in with the terrace and you will get a nice big outside space together with the indoor.
With the apartment comes an underground car park and storage room.
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Gemensam pool
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