A modern Villa in the attractive area of Ses Rothetes, Esporles. The Villa has lots of space, is beautifully decorated and in a fantastic location very close to Palma just a 10 minutes’ drive away.
The house has 4 Bedrooms, 2 of which are ensuite, 4 bathrooms in total, a large open plan kitchen lounge with a beautiful double glazed gas fireplace.
The main bedroom has a walk-in-wardrobe, an ensuite bathroom and its own private terrace. There is also an office and a gymnasium as well as the house has underfloor heating and air conditioning.
On the upper floor there are 2 terraces and on the ground floor a further terrace and decking around the infinity pool. The gardens are immaculately looked after and a nice driveway with a carport.
Overall a beautiful villa where details are looked after in a very attractive area.
Climate control
Eget badrum
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Privat pool
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