These new La Recoleta apartments are located in a stunning location in Punta Prima, Torrevieja (Alicante). This site is near the beachfront with access to the sea and beach just a few metres away. Alicante’s international airport is just a one hour drive and the property offers a lift from the underground car park and storage rooms. La Recoleta’s Mediterranean style buildings, wide avenues leading down to the sea, immaculate garden areas and well-run services make this a perfect place to relax and enjoy the fantastic climate all year around. The 2 or 3 bed apartments have a well-designed layout, each with a private terrace. Enjoy beautiful views over the sea, the pool and private gardens of the development. The unique penthouses include solariums and outstanding views. The local amenities of Torrevieja and its beaches create a great location and make Taylor Wimpey de España’s apartments at La Recoleta one of the best options when buying a home in the Costa Blanca.
Climate control
Gemensam trädgård
Parkering under markplan
Nära till havet
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