Contemporary, stylish detached villa with private swimming pool just 800 metres from the beach.
Perfectly designed … these beautiful two level villas have been thoughtfully designed to provide the perfect individual private contemporary living space, featuring double full glass sliding doors that open directly on to a terraced area with private swimming pool, enclosed gardens with off road parking. “SUN ALL DAY” with first floor terraced area to enjoy the sun all day long … Located in a centralised, established residential area just 10 minutes walk to the beaches in San Pedro del Pinatar.
Perfectly located … 800 metres from the beaches … this new south facing plot is backed onto a new park zone in the coastal Murcian town of San Javier, 25 minutes from the city of Cartagena and 30 minutes from the new Covera (Murcia International Airport).
Perfect for living … Just 2 signature villas that offer an oversized generous feel with 3 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, open plan lounge and dining area, covered terrace, open terraces from the master bedrooms on the first floor, shaped private swimming pool, off road parking and garden.
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Privat pool
Nära till havet
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