Modern and stylish villa established in a delightful ambiance. Settled on a hill from which you can enjoy sea views overlooking the Mediterranean. Surrounded by an environment full of vegetation and in a green oasis formed by Golf Courses.
The villa has an open space, which has been designed to maximise the indoor-outdoor flow, completely open and glazed to the southeast.
The design is based on the fusion between the necessities of the daily life and the wonderful environment in which the villa is framed. It is inserted against the terrain,taking advantage of the slope to leave the maximum possible ground of garden to which the villa will open. The rooms that make up the house emerge around several stone monoliths that support and in which are linked incomplete cubes that are configuring the interior space of the house.
Every part of this amazing villa has been designed with care and trying to maximize the opening towards the southeast orientation, taking full advantage of the natural beauty of its surroundings and inviting the entrance of natural light. A functional and sustainable design, seeking to achieve maximum energy efficiency.
The villa is distributed in three levels: on the upper floor stands a master bedroom, a living room and two open bedrooms enclosed by a large partially covered terrace; the ground floor cover the houses the social areas and the kitchen, along with a large master bedroom. All these rooms are glazed and open to an extensive garden, which has many living areas under pergolas and a large infinity swimming pool. The basement floor has two parking spaces and a large cellar
Inbyggda garderober
Privat terrass
Privat trädgård
Privat parkering
Privat pool
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