The development is being built at the top of the hill overlooking the Europa Golf Course, in a fabulous position that provides panoramic views of the golf course and the sea. All the apartments are south or southwest facing, meaning that they enjoy plenty of natural light all day long.
Sun Valley is located in La Cala Golf, where owners of the properties in the Resort can take advantage of the benefits and discounts provided by the Privilege Card
Sun Valley completes the range of apartments and townhouses already in existence at La Cala Golf Resort with a new type of apartment, more affordable, but still great quality. Ideal for families looking for a holiday home or investors looking for a property to rent out for the summer season with a good return.
The project is split over three independent plots with 23, 10 and 30 apartments, integrated into a common architectural concept constructed around a roundabout, with no nearby buildings and therefore enjoying a uniquely peaceful spot in the countryside.
Sun Valley, is already underway, with 23 apartments in two buildings with 4 storeys each, 12 with 3 bedrooms, 9 with 2 bedrooms and two exclusive penthouses with 3 bedrooms.
All the apartments have large terraces with glass balcony enclosures so that you can fully enjoy the fabulous views of the golf course and the apartments on the ground floor also have private gardens with views of the pool, resort gardens and the golf course that surrounds the development.
The homes have a modern distribution with the “total living” concept where all the space is utilised, and with a large living room integrating the terrace via the large windows.
Climate control
Privat terrass
Solar pannels
Gemensam pool
Nära till havet
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