Residencial Atarazanas is a project of 22 homes located in a historic neighborhood of Valencia where the traditional Mediterranean exterior architecture blends naturally with a contemporary and functional interior space.
It consists of magnificent 2, 3 and 4 bedroom homes with spaces designed with the highest quality criteria that guarantee your comfort, creating elegant environments that adapt to the functionality of different lifestyles.
The residential complex has wonderful penthouses with large terraces where light and space are the starting point for a concept in the purest Mediterranean style without giving up the comforts of a big city.
Exceptionally located a step away from Playa de las Arenas and next to La Marina de Valencia, with all services in the vicinity.
The project is developed under a Cooperative regime under exceptional quality and price conditions and with the guarantee of Libra Gestión de Proyectos, a company with more than 20 years of experience.
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