Fantastic Mansion in Eliana, located in a safe and quiet urbanization, at a distance of 5 minutes walking from the town center. The villa is very well maintained and stands in perfect condition, both the villa and garden area. The villa consist of spacious rooms, with lots of light streaming in from the big windows and from the cosy interior patio that gives the house an extraordinary environment.
The property has a garden of 4500 m2, equipped with swimming pool, changing room and an outdoor barbecue kitchen.
The villa is of 400 m2 on one plan and consist of seven bedrooms, six bathrooms, kitchen and two living rooms. All structured in such a way, that makes it a very comfortable house.
In the upper part there is an attic, destined as a Leisure area, completely covered with wood, creating an appropriate space for the well-being with friends.
It has in the lower part, an extensive garage, with capacity for several cars.
The villa is completely ready to move into!
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