The farm is located at an access from the road from Capdepera to Artà, through a path, and just 5 minutes from the charming town of Capdepera. This picturesque town is known for its weekly market and offers a wide variety of restaurants, shops and an impressive medieval castle.. . The land is developable and you can build a large house (up to 266 m2, --- there is a project --- plus 355 m2 of terraces, swimming pool, etc.), it has majestic ancient vegetation: Holm oaks, olive trees, bushes, fig trees, garballons, pines, etc. Also very close on the other side of the road is the "Roca Viva Golf Club" for lovers of this sport. The property has electricity and abundant water (well).. . We are also builders, if you need more information do not hesitate to contact us!!!. . The corresponding purchase taxes, notary and property registration expenses are not included in the price.. . This is a unique opportunity to build the house of your dreams in a natural and privileged environment!
Nära till golf
Nära småbåtshamn
Nära till affärer
Nära till stan
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