Holiday rentals
Are you the owner of a Holiday apartment or villa in Spain?
Achieve total peace of mind while we manage your holiday home and generate income by short-term rentals through our international marketing.
We publish your property on all major international websites such as Vrbo, Airbnb, Booking.com, Holidu, Bookiply, Google VR, Spain-holiday and we manage all booking request, guest arrival, cleaning etc for you.
We have 20 years of experience in the property market in Spain and our mission is to provide excellent service and peace of mind to all our homeowners and guests. Each home is individually maintained and managed by a local office, ensuring there is welcome support ‘on the ground’.
Our booking team engage with guests and provide a dedicated holiday rental service every step of the way, 365 days of the year. Our proactive team sets out to make each stay as pleasant and memorable as possible. We aim to constantly develop and deliver our positive, professional ser- vice to our clients.
Whether you are a homeowner or guest, then homes abroad Rentals is here for you.
What we offer:
We cover the mediterranean coast in Spain up to 25 km inland!
Free registration
You don’t pay any fees for registering your accommodation with us. We charge a fixed commission for every booking.
Always the best booking results
By giving each property maximum exposure online on all the biggest international websites, we make sure each property gets the best booking results.
International and local support
We answer all questions from potential guests and handle any local issue. Our team ensures you the best support you can imagine.
Professional photos & descriptions
With professional photographs and descriptions of the holiday homes we make sure that your proper- ty is showcased in the best manner both on- and offline to reach its full potential.
Always up-to-date information
All owners have a personal dashboard in our ma- nagement system to keep track of all incoming bookings and financials.
Maximum exposure
We advertise on top global holiday home rental sites, and we bring your property to homes abroad fairs in northern Europe.