This is a wonderful opportunity to purchase a plot of land in the historical village of Mojacar Pueblo, which has planning permission for a four storey village house, which could easy be converted into two separate duplex´s.
Mojacar Pueblo is a beautiful traditional Spanish village with lots of amenities to enjoy such as Bars, Restaurants, local food shops, Church, Town Hall etc. There is a good local bus service that will bring you down to the coastal area of Mojacar Pueblo, again with lots of amenities to enjoy in addition to the outstanding beaches, stretching towards Garrucha in one direction and Carboneras in the other.
The photographs shown are the artists impression of the building that could be constructed, either by yourself or if you wished it could be project managed by the current owner (however this is not included in the price). Building costs will need to be factored in. 
The build costs are approximately 200,000€
Planning licences have been obtained by the owner. 
The land is in Cuesta de la Fuente. 
* Plot Size 38 m²
* 10 minutes drive to the beach
* 2 minutes drive to the shops
* Communal fees: €68,32 per month
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